Madness Steroids

Steroids are no longer a bad drug, and the common human do not know much about them except they get you really buff and have a whole bunch of side effects.  Well one thing is right!  They will get you really buff and they will give you the best results of your life.  GUARANTEED.  Also now days they don't use just horse steroids, there are a lot more scientific steroids out there that will give you the same results or even better results and have vary few if any side effects.  There are so many different kinds of steroids out there today, there is one for everyone and everything.

There are so many stories about people taking steroids, please look here and ready a few.

Story # 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14

Here are some pictures of different steroid.


The below is some answers to some common questions you might have about steroids.

What are steroids?

What are some steroid supplements?

Why do people abuse steroids?

How are steroids used?

What are the health consequences?

Are steroids addictive?

What can be done to prevent steroid abuse?

What treatments are effective for steroid abuse?

What effects do anabolic steroids have on behavior?


In no was would I tell anyone that they need to or have to take steroids, it is a personal decision and if you do not feel like you need to or your body is not mature enough for the steroid then you should  not take the chance.  All steroids have side effects, some are vary bad, and some go away really quickly, if you are a full grown man you have a lesser chance of getting the really bad side effects and especially long term side effects, while there is still a bunch of kids who take steroids, If you take it right then it works right, but most kids are not mature enough and abuse it and that's when they get the really bad long term side effects.  You be your own judge, and don't let anyone convince you to take them, that is your job.